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The Full Story


Founder/CEO is a 22-year US. Special Operations Forces operator who enlisted in the Army in September of 2000. He served three years as Parachute Rigger (92R) with full intentions of becoming one of America’s best, a US Special Forces Green Beret (18C)(18Z). As a Green Beret he has conducted countless operations in locations across the globe, served in a multitude of positions and earned some of the military’s highest awards. While assigned to the Force Modernization Office (S-8), He graduated the Combat Development Capabilities (CDC) course and realized he could have a huge impact on the way our forces source and procure their specialized operational equipment. He decided to start his own business by applying over 15 years of Special Operations experience and four years of defense acquisitions into creating a service that provides an elite selection of special operational equipment and services to the tactical community.  His company, Odysseus Solutions, increases the overall lethality and survivability of the Soldier on the battlefield by providing the optimal solution at the best value.

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Our Mission

Identify logistical and equipment deficiencies and deliver the optimal solution at the best value.


 Increase the tactical community's overall lethality and survivability. 


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